Back when we had our 1st kiddo we were over $35,000 in debt ( eek ) and I had recently quit my job to stay with my kiddo full time. This slashed our income in half. I knew somehow I had to find a way to dive deep into the world of frugal living to make up for our income loss and pay off all the debt == OR ELSE WE WERE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!
What I didn’t understand at the time was that I had ” Broke / Poor ” or ” Scarcity ” mindset that was keeping us in the hole.
Once I figured out that my mindset ( or my beliefs surrounding money ) were holding me back & how to fix them able to cut our expenses by $30,000, increase my income AND Pay off the debt in 8 months. WOW!
What is a “Money Mind-Set ” you might ask? ” It’s your unique set of beliefs and your attitude about money. It drives the decisions you make about saving, spending and handling money. People who have a healthy money mindset believe things like: I have the freedom to spend, but I can also tell myself no to a purchase. ” Dave Ramsey
What most people don’t realize is What their money mindset is ( or isn’t ). Here are some starter questions on what to ask yourself in order to find out what YOUR Specific Money mindset is ….
……. AND , MORE IMPORTANTLY, How To Fix it!
1. True or False: I Would show ANYONE My Bank Account and spending habits. { Give yourself 5 points if you answered True. Give Yourself 1 Point if you answered False }.
2. True or False : People who Make a lot of money are Greedy? Selfish? Or Backstabbing…. { Give yourself 1 points if you answered True. Give Yourself 5 Point if you answered False }.
3. True or False I have to work 60 or more hours a week to be rich? { Give yourself 1 point if you answered True. Give Yourself 5 Points if you answered False }.
4. True or False: Only ” certain ” People can get Wealthy. { Give yourself 1 point if you answered True. Give Yourself 5 Points if you answered False }.
5. True or False: Money is physically dirty. { Give yourself 1 point if you answered True. Give Yourself 5 Points if you answered False }.
6. True or False : Money is limitless. { Give yourself 5 points if you answered True. Give Yourself 1 Point if you answered False }.
Add up your Points.
If you scored 24 or above = CONGRATULATIONS! You may have a healthy Abundance mindset.
If you scored 23 or BELOW = CONGRATULATIONS! You may have a “Scarcity” Poor Mindset.
Of course, this is ONLY a quick quiz and it’s designed to get your brain flowing. No matter what you scored there is always room for improvement and I encourage you to …