You will have to check this out! If you are at Walmart grabbing some necessities grab yourself a bag of Pork Rinds totally Free. No joke – no catch. All you have to do is get either a : EPIC Sea Salt & Pepper Pork Rinds, 2.5 oz or EPIC Himalayan Sea Salt Pork Rinds, 2.5 oz . Then login or sign up for Ibbotta. Submit your receipt for $3.28 cash back. This will make this bag totally FREE.
{ Go HERE } to get grab this Ibbotta offer. It ends 8/2/2020.
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I want to say thank you for the time I’ve been in this group. Everytime I try to ask for questions I never get help my posts gets denied for mail call. I signed up for every direct shipping form and still till this day I haven’t received anything!