EVERYTHING on Getting Free Samples By Mail

If there is one thing I’m an expert in it’s getting free samples by mail! After all, I’ve been collecting them for OVER a decade. I know all the in’s and out’s. What is a scam and what’s not a scam when it comes to getting free samples by mail and other freebies. It all started as a “poor” college student when I noticed other people online talking about their mailboxes being full of freebies. So, I signed up to be a cookie tester. The company sent me 3 bags of cookies in the mail to eat, and review for free. I was totally hooked! I knew that if getting free cookies was that easy then there must be more! So, my quest for finding all things free ( by mail, in stores, online – basically everywhere ) was born. It wasn’t until 2 years ago that I started this blog in hopes of teaching others that you too can get all sorts of free samples by mail ( FOR REAL ) without being scammed.

This post is going to be an “ all in one “ quick guide to telling you everything you need to know about how to get Free samples and other freebies with out surveys, scams and rip offs. Let’s start out with the obvious, how NOT to get scammed and ripped off…

How to avoid scams and NOT Get Ripped Off When looking for Free Samples by Mail:

1. Read the Find Print!

When on a webpage that gives out free samples by mail or any freebie it’s important to scroll ALL the way down to the bottom of the page. Is there any fine print there? Is there anything that says “ terms of service “ or “ Sample term and conditions “ ?

Read an offers Terms and Conditions. Read all the ” Fine Print! “ This is an Example of a FAKE Free Sample! Feel free to check out the offer for yourself [ HERE ].

Sometimes having “ terms of service” or ” Terms and Conditions ” is a great! It means that the company has put into thought who is going to get a freebie and they want to be transparent and honest with you about it. Other times, they list a freebies that extremely few people are going to receive ( like maybe 1 person ) AND you will have to complete a TON of different offers to maybe get that that freebie. All of this will ( should ) be listed in the  “ terms and conditions”. So, for example, a webpage may list a FREE Hair Dryer and “ all “ you have to do is submit your email address. HOWEVER, if you were to take a look at the “ terms and conditions “ you would easily see that in order to get the “ FREE Hair Dryer “ you have to 1st – sign up with your email address. Then complete 5 more offers. Oh, and your email maybe be sold to other companies *cough* [ Sold to everyone with a pulse ]. OH, AND even if you do complete 5 other offers they only have 1 hair dryer to giveaway. So, you still might not get it. The moral of the story is Read the fine Print !

#2. Is the Freebie By Mail too good?

If you a webpage boosts about giving away a free $250 / $500 / $1,000 Target / Walmart / Any type of gift card for doing NOTHING. Chances are it is FAKE! In my decade of freebie hunting I have NEVER gotten a $250, $500 or $1,000 gift card TO ANYWHERE for doing ONLY 1 survey Or filling out 1 offer. Sure, there ARE trusted survey sites that you can EARN gift cards from. HOWEVER, LARGE dollar amount gift cards for doing little or nothing are NOT REAL. They are praying on the inexperienced freebie hunter ! Don’t fall for it! This is also [ mostly ] true about high value items. If the item looks expensive then chances are it’s fake!

Example of a FAKE Free Sample By Mail that ” Over Promises “. See it for yourself [ HERE ].

#3. The look and feel of a webpage !

A lot of times ( but not always ) a fake freebie page will looks fake. Again, this is not always the case. BUT, if your gut says a free sample webpage looks strange – then it probably it. Let me show you some examples of some fake freebie pages that LOOK fake !

These FAKE Free Sample Webpages just ” look ” fake. Use your gut! If something looks fake to you it probably is!

#4. Endless Questions and offers…

For the most part if it’s a true Free Sample by Mail then a company will not ask you do to a survey. However, sometimes they may ask a few short questions. If you find that you are doing pages and pages of surveys then it’s probably a fake free sample. This is especially true if the questions they are asking have nothing to do with the product they are claiming to giveaway for free. In the below example image I did 12 Pages of questions there completely unrelated to each other before I gave up ( knee pain.. Health insurance.. Do I like to ” Save Money ” … and on and on.. ). The endless surveys and questions is an easy indicator that you are on a FAKE free sample offer.

I was asked 12 different questions before I GAVE UP! [ CLICK HERE ] to see this FAKE Freebie offer for yourself. Remember , it is FAKE!

The same goes for offers! If you find you have to sign up for another to get a free sample then it’s a fake free sample. For example if you have to sign up for credit score monitoring to get a free perfume sample then it’s fake!

Here are some examples of FAKE Free Samples webpage!

What happens when you fill out fake free sample offers?

I have, by mistake, filled out free sample by mail offers. To be honest no one stole my identity by doing so. However, I have had my email inbox explode with spam AND my phone explode with sales calls. So, for that reason I often use my “ other “ email address ( an email account I set up just for doing freebies ). I also use a fake phone number most of the time too.

8 Companies that Send Out Free Samples By Mail without Surveys!

Now that we have identified what a fake free sample offer looks like, it’s time to go over some companies that give you real free samples by mail without doing any surveys or any extra offers. I personal have gotten all of these offers in the mail myself – so I know they are REAL!

  1. Netipot or Neti Rinse – All you have to do is click on the part that says, “Click here to request your Free Sinus Rinse™ Bottle or NasaFlo® with two packets”. You will have to answer a few questions. This is an example of a free sample by mail where you will have to answer SOME Questions but it’s a real free sample by mail. Then do a short quiz. After all is completed you will get a netipot or Neti Rinse in your mailbox! Grab yours HERE: https://www.facebook.com/neilmednetipot/?sk=app_203351739677351
  2. Emergen-C Free Sample – Emergen-C is used to boost your immune system to help you not get sick! This freebie is one of those that is so easy to get. Just fill out the form with your name and mailing address. In a few short weeks you will get this freebie in the mail. Grab yours HERE: https://www.emergenc.com/offer
  3.  Where is Bear? A Terrific Tale for 2-Year-Olds – This free book is from the CDC to encourage you to read to your child or children. You will also see a tons of other items that you can get – mostly pamphlets. To get the book click on the picture of the book and then “ add to cart “. Check out as you would any site. However, you won’t need a credit card or any payment at all because it’s FREE! Again, if you find yourself doing surveys to get this free book then you did something wrong.   Grab yours HERE:
  4. Free Poise Sample by Mail – Grab yourself a free poise sample by mail. This freebie will come straight to your mailbox in just a few weeks! All you have to do is fill out the easy form with your name and address. It’s really that simple. And, yes, like I have already said before – NO surveys or extra offers.
  5. 10 Free “ I promise “ cards – Have you ever promised to do something and then never get around to it? Maybe these free “ I promise “ cards will help. These are cute little cards that are about the size of a business card. You write on them what you promise to do , or promise NOT to do. You can get 10 of these cards free in the mail. Furthermore,  You can actually request them as many times as you want too, which is pretty cool. https://becauseisaidiwould.org/requestcards/
  6. Free Nusyllium Sample in the Mail – Everyone needs a little fiber in their life! Just fill out the easy form with your name and mailing address. In just a few short weeks you will get a Free Sample of Nusyllium in your mailbox. Additionally, you won’t have to answer any questions or fill out any other offers to get this easy freebie. https://nusyllium.com/pages/try-a-free-sample
  7. Sesame Street Fire Safety Program Color and Learn – This freebie is so easy you don’t have to even give them your mailing address! FEMA ( of all places ) is giving away a free Sesame Street Fire Safety Program Color and Learning pdf. All you have to do is go to the page and click on “ download “ then print out this easy freebie.
  8. Free Sample of Breathe Right® nasal strips – Do you or someone you sleep next to snore?! Then you gotta try this. Just fill out the simple form of where you live and where you want your freebie to be sent to. They will send you a free sample of Breathe Right® nasal strips directly to your mailbox! https://www.breatheright.com/samples-sign-up.html

It’s been weeks and you are still not getting any free sample?!

            There can me a lot of reason’s why your freebies aren’t arriving in your mailbox. Let’s looks at why this maybe happening to you and if it is what you can do about it!

  1. You didn’t fill out the right form – Yes, yes it is true that some webpages have ads on them. It would be possible that you hit an ad and fill out a form on the wrong webpage. Again, if you find yourself doing survey and survey then you are on the wrong webpage and are doing fake free samples! Try reading my clues above to see if your free sample offer is real or if it is a scam!
  2. You haven’t waited long enough – Many free samples can take 8 weeks ( sometimes more) to get . So just waiting longer is all you will need to do!
  3. Post office Problems – A bad post office person or sorting office can mean you don’t get your free samples! Very rarely are post office workers stealing your free samples. However, I am sure it can happen. To make sure I recommend you sign up for “ Informed Delivery “ . Informed delivery will show you items that have arrived at the post office for you. If they don’t make it to your door you know there is a problem. Sign up for Informed delivery [ HERE ].

I hope this article helps you get more free samples by mail! If you haven’t started getting them yet, then after reading this you should be on your way! You should be able to avoiding scams and tricks. Also, you’re mailbox should start filling up in the next few weeks. Follow me daily for new free samples by mail and other fun freebies! [ GO HERE ] to check out my homepage and follow it daily!

Thanks for reading!

Becky – The Freebie Lady

  1. I love to try all of this product and I give you feedback on it thank you

  2. Love to try

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