Covid Kindness Day 3: “ Our Perception is our reality, ” If you don’t know by now I am doing a random act of kindness everyday. While right now it is easy to have the perception that there is a lot of ” doom and gloom” around if we spread kindness and love where we can we can change our perception and thus, change our reality. On Day 3 of Covid Kindness I was asked by an elderly couple if I could pick up 2 gallons of milk. One small problem is that most places are limiting the amount of dairy items you can buy . However, a little birdie told me that Byrne Dairy has no limit! Problem solved. While out I found some Tp & antibacterial soap too. This couple didn’t ask for either of those things but I gave it to them anyways! Who would have ever thought that tp would make someone SO happy?!
[ GO Here ] to see all of my Covid Kindness random acts of kindness….
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